CMSOJJ University Terms & Conditions

CMSOJJ University Terms & Conditions

DISCLAIMER: CMSOJJ practitioners are professionals. Do not try any techniques taught either at CMSOJJ‘s gym or virtual content in any context without direct supervision and instruction from CMSOJJ official instructors appointed by the Academy. CMSOJJ is not responsible for any injury or harm both physical or non-physical imposed within or outside the academy in consequence to the application and usage of any techniques taught or demonstrated in class or via the CMSOJJ Website/MyBJJ Portal.

Academy Guidelines:
1. No shoes or socks on the mats.
2. Arrive early and be prepared to start when your class begins.
3. When stepping off the mats, shoes must always be worn.
4. Be fully dressed before leaving restrooms and locker rooms.
5. Please help keep our school clean.
6. No tobacco products or e-cigarettes allowed inside the school.
7. Please take all your belongings with you when you leave.
8. No food or drinks (other than water) are allowed on the mats.
9. Always be mindful of those around you when speaking.
10. Most importantly, ALWAYS have fun!

Safety & Hygiene
1. Please remove all jewelry & piercings prior to training.
2. Your uniform must be washed after every class.
3. A t-shirt or rash guard must be worn under your uniform.
4. Please keep fingernails & toenails clipped short.
5. Shower as soon as possible after every class.
6. If you or your child are sick, please stay home & recover.

Training Rules
1. Always treat everyone with respect regardless of rank.
2. Always be ready to learn & put in the work.
3. Always keep conversations relevant to training during class.
4. Always leave your ego at the door when you walk in.
5. Never get discouraged. Even when you think you are not improving, you are!

Tuition & Enrollment
All CMSOJJ students agree to pay a monthly tuition respective to their individual contract with CMSOJJ. If the student breaches their contract or any verbal agreements between the student & CMSOJJ then this will result in forfeit of all class attendance privileges, gym accesss, & virtual content access effective immediately.

***All members and visitors of CMSOJJ Academy will adhere to the aforementioned terms, conditions, rules, regulations, & academy guidelines listed above or will be asked to vacate the premises and cease any activity, training, teaching or techniques related to CMSOJJ Brazillian Jiu Jitsu practices.

*As a Collaborator of "Reigns Technology LLC" all users of "CMSOJJ University" online academy & resources are subject to both CMSOJJ & Reigns Technology's Terms & Conditions as well as privacy policies.*

Reign's Tech Terms of Use

By utilizing CMSOJJ’s MyBJJ Virtual Academy, I understand that this service platform was created & managed by Reigns Technology, LLC (Reigns Tech). Therefore, by utilizing this platform, I agree to abide by all terms of service & privacy agreements upheld by Reigns Tech. I acknowledge these policies and that I can view this policy by clicking this text.View Reigns Tech’s Terms & Privacy Agreements

CMSOJJ Media Consent & Release Agreement for All Filmed Persons

By participating in the creation of CMSOJJ online content, virtual portal system, or any CMSOJJ proprietary assets or services, I agree to abide by the following terms:

Any individual who participates in the creation of CMSOJJ content, assets, or services will grant both Reigns Technology LLC (Reigns), and Carpe Momentum School of Jiu Jitsu LLC (CMSOJJ) the right to use all media content (including but not limited to: photographs, video and audio recordings) in any format, now known or later developed. I grant, without limitation, the right to edit, mix, or duplicate the use or re-use these aforementioned materials in whole or in part as “Reigns” and “CMSOJJ” may elect.

Any individual who participates in the creation of CMSOJJ content, assets, or services agrees to sign a contractual media consent release prior to participating in the creation of any aforementioned content, assets, or services. The aforementioned individual will be contractually obligated to uphold the standards of this policy herein.

Privacy Agreement

By utilizing CMSOJJ’s “MyBJJ Virtual Academy,“ all users (including instructors, students, and external 3rd parties) agree to adhere this Privacy Agreement prior to utilization of any content or services. CMSOJJ retains full right to usage, copright, & dispursement of all content published or developed for the purpose of publication to the MyBJJ Virtual Academy platform, CMSOJJ website or any of the CMSOJJ social media profiles. Any copying, sharing, or redistribution of any of the aforementioneed content without direct, written permission from CMSOJJ will result in a breach of this agreement & the individual will revoke all rights and privileges at CMSOJJ academy and may result in legal action at CMSOJJ’s sole discretion.

How to Contact Us
Please direct any questions or comments about these policies to:

Carpe Momentum School of Jiu Jitsu LLC.
10 N Sprigg St.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
P (573) 381-5710
Powered By Reigns Technology™
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